Friday, July 14, 2006

Blueberry Pie

So if you can imagine my bank....thought that someone had stolen my credit card and they froze i call because I'm like wtf? The woman says to me.." well we froze it because we saw more than one charge to this place called Linden Labs" HAHAHAHHA like my credit card was saying.." you are tooooooo ollllldddd to play video games" but now the stream is not on because all my credit card stuff was frozen so FOC radio will take a day to get back into biz..

Still working on the new dirrrrrty strip club...the build is coming along great and i will have more pictures for you asap....

BUT i am still working on a far its been the happy ending and the bearded clam (aka the clam) any new intresting ideas would be fantastic.

right now in my SL i am trying to deal with professional jealousy. it is so hard not to feel like a loser or overwhelmed by the talents of people in SL.....i am in awe everyday with what people can do in this world and sometimes it's hard not to just " EHHHHHHHHHHHHH" all over the place...

how do you deal with your professional jealousy in SL?


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