Sunday, July 09, 2006


Once again I am hungover...this crazy clam bake at my friend Hedji's house last night...*holds my head*

So i just finished watching this amzing documentryon the punk momevent from beginning to end and it just blew my mind. I feel like it has such an energy and mindfulness behind it .... I never knew really
i just thought it was a ton of angry 17 year old guys but it seems to be so much more and so much less all at once. now i have to download some lou reed and contemplate...god i am such a dork

As far as SL goes I am having a quiet time of it lately...maybe on an SL slump...I think part of it is that maybe SL is becoming too much of "the man " in its way with this really open subscription policy...
every single person i know in SL has maybe 3-4 alts for no reason really...
and if you assume that behind each little doll is a person I just imagine all these like...nameless faceless non animated av's waiting for someone to give them life who never it possible to cheat on oneself or even ones pixel representation of oneself????

oh and fucking a ...i linked my first objects...after a year and a half of SL..*laughs harder*

imagine 3 years from now i will build a room.......wheeeeeeee


Blogger Scarlet Singer said...

I only use Scarlet and Lily..... guess I have a "split personality" rofl. Lily's my trouble girl.

9:44 AM  
Blogger Haver Cole said...

yeah i knows..I am guilty of the alt-ing too....but Lily has a soul and an identity ...kinda..*laughs*

12:10 PM  
Blogger Scarlet Singer said...

Rawr, Lily's my slut, she's having an affair with Richie shh don't tell Scarlet!

btw, go look at my blog and tell me whatcha think of the new layout pics

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dork!

You can't call it a slump until you go on hiatus for like an eternity and a day. :p

12:55 AM  

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