Tuesday, June 13, 2006

god lets see h ow many typos I can do in one sentance

Its my wee doll blog for haver...!
It's 3:50am here and I just signed off and i was checking Scarlet's sl.me.com page and I found her blog. I like to see the person behind the doll or whatever or how ever this comes across. I have my feet crossed underneath my at my desk and every so often a little breeze from my fan runs a cold stream across my back. Needing to get back on some sort of semi sane time/sleep schedule...One can only dream.

Somehow I have found myself maxxing out IM's a few times during each sign in. That's so fucked up to me as I feel like sometimes I am just a receptacle for what people want or need to say to me. Sometimes I can be so detached I can't even imagine people still want to talk to me...

I think I hurt my friend Parenia's feelings when I asked her not to map me. I don't know how to say what i needed to nicely. But after the ex girlfriend and others I just sort of get scared when people do that..map me...and the wierd part is how can i be scared by a game that cant hurt me ??

more to come from my ramblings...please comment on the insanity


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